Tuesday, October 28, 2008

at home again

After the graveyard procession I ran home, I ran so fast and so agile my body felt like I was dead, but of course, I wasn't. The wind felt like it was slipping through me, my nose was running as I ran, but I kept on going strong. I could feel and hear my heart pounding harder and harder in my chest but I kept on. I finally reached our house, it looked gloomy and sad. It no longer looked like the usual happy family home it was. I walked inside because I was hungry and tired of being ignored.
I saw the car pull in and Becci, Dad, and Mom got out of it and walked toward the house. I ran over to hug Becci, I threw my arms around her and exclaimed,"Becci! I'm right here! I'm not dead!"
"Ugh, there's fog surrounding us, surrounding our whole lives. If it isn't gloomy enough." She brushed me off and kept walking. To have my own sister brush me off, it felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest.
"I still feel like there's mist surrounding us," said Becci.
"Becci, don't be so melodramatic," said Dad.
"Well sorry father," replied Becci hotly.
"Becca, don't reply to your father like that. We give you everything you want and we take care of you," said Mom.
"Well, Mom, you'd be upset if Aunt Janette died, wouldn't you?" asked Becci, her mouth curled downward.
"Well, yes, I guess I would.."
"Exactly, I lost my little sister! she was my best friend, we did everything together. When she tried out of that TV pilot and made it and I didn't she gave that up for me! For ME! Who isn't as perfect as you want to believe!" said Becci hotly.

"Also, do you know how I got the nickname Becci?!"
"Yes honey, you have Becci in your name."
" No! Because when I was two and Elli was one and I tried to tell her my name. It came out sounding like Rebecci, and so she kept chanting 'Becci! Becci! Becci!' over again. That's how I got my name Becci, that's why she always hated people calling me Rebecca or Becca. Now that she's dead, I feel like I'm missing a half of me!" yelled Becci at no one.

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